What are Poppers Challenges ?
Poppers are present in some porn scenes. We can see videos offering content where the actress or actor gives instructions for taking poppers at the same time as masturbation instructions, the Poppers Challenge.
What are Poppers?
Poppers is a vasodilating substance, ie it dilates the blood vessels after inhalation. In 1844, the French chemist Antoine-Jérôme Balard synthesized amyl nitrite for the first time. It is first used to treat heart problems. But in the 1970s the product was taken up by the gay community in particular and used recreationally. Indeed amyl nitrite (poppers) is known to give a feeling of euphoria, but it is also appropriated effects at the sexual level. The poppers would delay ejaculation and relax the sphincter muscles, which would facilitate anal intercourse.
Poppers in porn videos:
You can find many videos on the internet featuring the Poppers. Although poppers are often linked to the gay community, there are now many femdom-type videos with women giving instructions for taking poppers.
These challenge or popperbate poppers for intimates are instructional videos where the performer masturbates and inhales poppers. Usually the actress tells you when you should take poppers and how you should masturbate.
There are also hypnotic videos where you can see compilations of porn videos with instructions for taking poppers displayed. You will find challenge poppers porn videos on JOI Paradise.
The risks of Poppers:
Poppers is not an innocuous substance and although it is on legal sale, it presents many health risks:
- You should never swallow Poppers.
- Never take viagra and poppers at the same time.
- Never put poppers on the skin or mucous membranes.
- Poppers are extremely flammable.
We don’t recommend the use of Poppers, but if you do use them, do your research.